We'd like to thank the following people for their help in the making of SHE TALKS IN HER SLEEP

Without whom its completion would have not been possible.

Alan Clark, Alice Pugh, Amy Annette, Annabel Taylor, Charles Wickenden, Dan Clark, Emily Pickthall, Eunice Pugh, Gareth Davies, Greg Tett, Hannah Wickenden, Holly Parry, Jane Polden, Janet Holmes, Johanna Orring, Kathryn Kelly, Katie Dunne, Linda Hill, Louise Clark, Lucy Kane, M. Reilly, Madeleine Clark, Martyn Taylor, Matthew Crosby, Nick Dyne, Pierre Novellie, Rosemary Davies, Roz Pound, S&O Media, Simon Allsopp, Steve Dunne, Steve Hall, Steve Pugh, Tim Parry, Tim Pugh.

Bernadette Cornish, Charlie Lewis, Charlotte Evans, Chris Bowman, Clare Collyer, Del Parry, Guy Butler, Helen Austwick Zaltzman, James Longman, Letizia Di Veroli, Michelle Lillie, Sarah Gage, Thom Gibbs, Tom Parry.

In Memory Of:

Jan Holmes and Lyndy Pugh

We'd like to thank the following people for their help in the making of the blue door.

Without whom its completion would have not been possible.

Alan Clark, Alice Pugh, Annabel Taylor, Brian O'Malley, Caroline Fisher, Charlie Lewis, Charlotte Evans, Dave Rogers, Eunice Pugh, Gareth Davies, Holly Tracey, Johanna Orring, Jules Goldberg, Karma Christine Salvato, Katie Dunne, Louise Clark, Madeleine Clark, Matthew Crosby, Michelle Lillie, Nat Saunders, Olusoga Adamo, Paul Chung, Rebecca Goldberg, Rosemary Davies, S&O Media, Simon Allsopp, Simon Harries, Sophie Chapman, Steve Pugh, Steven Hall, Stu Laws, Tom Parry.

Adam Riches, Alex Caven, Amy Annette, Andrew McCarthy, Andy Carmic, Antony Clark Brown, Barry Shapiro, Ben Evans, Ben Walker, Bryony Bates, Cameron Black, Celeste Dring, Charlie Briggs, Chris Bowman, Christopher John Goodman, Ciaran Dowd, D. P Martin, David Fowles, David Hilditch, Debbie Wythe, Del Parry, Eleanor Wilson, Emma Jenkins, Freya Parker, Guy Butler, Helen Austwick Zaltzman, Ian Payne, Ivo Graham, James Diamond, Jane Polden, Jane Ward, Jessica Dawson, Jon Dean, Jon Mason, Jon Scarth, Jos Clark, Katie Deacon, Katy Eyre, Kim Allsopp, Leanne Wade, Liz Griffiths, Luke Kempner, Marcus Seg, Mark Jacob, Marie Devautour, Martin Zaltz Austwick, Matthew Winning, Michael Marden, Miranda Dickinson, Moyo Akande, Nathalie Laurent-Marke, Neale Grant, Nick Gent, Nick MacDonald, Paul Doolan, Peter Baldwin, Peter McGladdery, Raif Barnes, Rebecca Mansley, Rhian McLaren, Richard Herring, Robert Davis, Rosalind Romer, Roz Pound, Sally Kent, Sarah Malley, Sean McKay, Sinead Kheejoo, Siobhan Maybourne, Stephen Dobie, Stuart Wilson, Thomas Benneton, Thom Gibbs, Tim Parry, Wayne Bamford, Zoe Fell.